As a web developer and software engineer, I specialize in creating efficient, scalable, and reliable applications using a variety of modern technologies. I have experience with Node.js and its frameworks such as Fastify and Nest.js, as well as with browser automation using Puppeteer. I also have expertise in TypeScript, Python, PHP, and Laravel. As well as in frontend libraries such as React and Vue.js. My projects are typically deployed on AWS EC2 instances and use databases like MySQL, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, and Redis. I'm familiar with message brokers such as RabbitMQ, web servers like Nginx, and containerization with Docker. I'm also comfortable working on Linux servers and following agile methodologies to ensure fast delivery and quality code.
Work experience
Software Developer
Arma Group
January 2022 - now
- Designing the architecture for the search engine, which will be made with a team of 10 people.
- To speed up and improve the search results to be displayed, write the service Opensearch is running as active. Creation of the structure.
- Designing and implementing the Rabbitmq service so that the Services can communicate with the website crawler bots in case there are no results for the word searched by the users.
- Using the data in the Robot.txt and sitemap.xml files on the sites, providing access to the URLs with high importance that should be scanned and saved.Using Nodejs and Mongodb.
- Advertising management system architecture design with a team of 6 people. Starting the coding of the system by creating a backlog.
- Script coding to display the most appropriate ads to users using the data received with Behavioral, Geography and Keywords targeting.
Software Developer
March 2021 - January 2022
- Built a news management system using Php, Nodejs, Mysql and service oriented architecture.
- With the modularly designed news system, users have been provided with a private panel.
- The modular news system, which is the first in Turkey, enables users to easily organize their sites.
Competitor company users were enabled to prefer our system. - Added new features to the backend system which serves tens of thousands of users.
- Developing the video chunking system structure and enabling users to upload large-size videos without any problems.
Software content sharing platform,
- style Turkish software content sharing platform.
- Followed the Controller, Service, Repository pattern to keep maintaining the code simple.
- Made with NodeJs and Express framework. Used MongoDB as a database and handled communication between server.
And database by using native Mongodb driver
Master search platform;
- Developed an Website using Nextjs and expressjs
- Crawling google maps data using Nodejs Puppeteer,
- Creating a page for each district and neighborhood and indexing it by Google.
E-commerce purchasing system;
- Making the backoffice side of the system, which is an example of the Shopify style e-commerce system.
- Communication with the front end by writing Restapi using the Php Lumen framework.